1. In two hours from now you can remove the protective plastic film, wash the tattoo with warm water and neutral soap. After that put a new protective plastic film on it.
  2. Repeat this every 3 hours and before going to sleep.
  3. The next morning remove the protective plastic film, wash the tattoo with warm water and neutral soap and put on top a small portion of cream Balm. No more plastic film on the tattoo. Use clean cotton dress on top of the tattoo.
  4. Repeat point 3 at least three times a day.

During the healing period, more or less 28 days avoid long exposure to the sun, no swimming pool, no sauna and all the places where your tattoo  can get in contact with chemical products. Avoid dirty or dusty places. Like beaches they are extremely dirty believe me, avoid sea water, avoid soccer or rugby or wrestling.

For any doubt contact us.